Friday, May 15, 2015

Here We Go Again With New Gun Law SB941

You can bet your life that by closing the so-called loopholes in the back ground checks done on gun buyers, we will never have to fear criminals having  guns again, right? Only law-abiding citizens will have access to guns.

The new bill that was in-acted SB941 by Oregon Gov. Kate Brown on May 11,2015, clearly states that we will no longer be able to sale our guns to anyone but family. You will have to have a background check done on anyone else you may want to sale your gun to. This is just an expansion on a law that we already have, that doesn't work.  

I ask you how many more expansions do we need on the same law? The government has been changing our second amendment since the gun control act of 1968 was in-acted. Then they expanded on it by coming up with the Federal Firearms Act.

In theory these laws would have been good if they would have worked. We know they haven't worked; criminals still kill with guns, people still get robbed, what has changed?

The problem with changing and adding things to our second amendment is that; we lose our rights that were given to us by our forefathers. Our right to protect our-self's against not only criminals, but our government.

There are other people in the world that have the same worries,as clearly stated by Chris Balm of Harrisburg, Ore.

"This is an insult, falsely sold as "reasonable" and "common sense. It is nothing more than an effort to create as much confusion, expense and inconvenience for law abiding gun owners as possible."

"We know no one with criminal intent will follow it, and for those who want to follow the law , it will be costly and difficult to do so, in the unlikely event they can find a dealer willing to subject himself to the liability he would face by conducting a transfer."

Is this something we the people need?

What happens if one of those transactions is delayed? And many will be. Who owns the firearm? Who must store it? Can it be returned to the original owner? What if HIS background check is delayed or denied?

This was not made clear in the bill!

"The system doesn't work now, so expanding it to transfers to friends is lunacy. Over 20 counties have expressed their opposition to this terrible invasion of privacy. Sheriffs have said they oppose it and wouldn't enforce it," said Balm.

Not only is Balm worried about his rights being taking, look at what Ed Pampinella, a local gun store owner has to say.  

Ed Pampinella owner of  Ed's Guns and Gear in Albany, blogged."This bill is far worse then we expected. You will NOT be allowed to transfer a firearm by simply calling the State Police (which often ends in a false denial anyway). Under this bill you will be required to run the transaction through a dealer. The potential complications of this are too many to list. Most dealers will want nothing to do with this, the cost will be high and that is only if you happen to be in a place where there is a dealer available!"

This is no joke, we are getting our rights taken away from us every-time our politicians decide they want to amend an already non-working bill. We need to put a stop to this abomination of our rights.

My family and I love to go target shooting, and hunting. These are our god given rights, why should we let the government take them from us?

Read the laws that were in-acted back in 1968, and on going since then. Our government needs to stop! If this worries you, you're not alone.

 The Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA or GCA68) is a U.S. federal law that regulates the firearms industry and firearms owners. It primarily focuses on regulating interstate commerce in firearms by generally prohibiting interstate firearms transfers except among licensed manufacturers, dealers and importers.

The Gun Control Act of 1968 expanded on The Federal Firearms Act on the licenses of firearm sellers and created limits to who was eligible to purchase a firearm, considering criminal background, mental stability, citizenship, and drug abusers. 

The Firearm Owner Protection Act (FOPA) enacted May 19, 1986, is a U.S. federal law that revised many provisions under the GCA of 1968.Firearm dealers with a federal firearm license(FFL) were prohibited from doing business at gun shows. They were only permitted to do business at the address listed on their license.

Their reasoning for this bill was to close the so-called loopholes on the background checks. They want the public to believe this will make it where no person with a criminal background can ever again get their hands on a gun. It hasn't worked yet!

I saw a movie were only the police and military had guns, it was called "Schindler's List." We should take note of the actions that our government is doing against us, before we end up on a list of our own.

At A Glance 
Gun owners rights.
The Seconded Amendment of the United States Constitution under attack again.
The affect it is having on law abiding citizens.
The lies our government is trying to sale us on gun control.

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