Thursday, January 22, 2015

Media Blog, Forum Post # 3

         Topic 1: SPJ Code Of Ethics

  1. The aspect of the code I feel is the most important is to Minimize Harm. "Ethical journalism treats sources, subjects, colleagues and members of the public as human beings deserving of respect."
  2. I chose Minimizing Harm as the most important because I believe that showing compassion for the story and its subjects is very important.  I agree that being a journalist does not give you a license for arrogance or undue intrusiveness. I think weighing the consequences of what you are reporting against the public's right to know is an extremely important balancing act that a journalist must constantly walk. I also have witnessed trial by the public, before any jury trial has taken place, due to biased reporting, and I don't think that is fair or ethical, even if unintentional.  Another vital piece of reporting is to update any previously reported information as it comes in.  This keeps the public aware of any breaking situations, as well as long term information. 
                  An example of why Minimizing Harm is so very important is the case of Officer Darren Wilson shooting suspect Michael Brown in the town of Ferguson, Missouri.  This case was heavily covered by reporters across the nation.  Some reported without bias, while others seemed to have forgotten the journalism code of ethics.  There was public outrage pouring in from all sides of this case.  There were reporters who stayed true to only facts while others reported from opinion based facts.
                 One case of reporting without considering harm to the subject was The New York Times reporter, Julie Bosman, publicized the home address of Officer Darren Wilson.  This could have caused that man harm to the point of loosing his life, or that of his family.  Thankfully, that did not happen.  However, he did resign from the police force and moved his family else where.
                  This type of reporting is what makes Minimizing Harm the most important aspect of the code to me.  The previously mentioned story could have had a much more tragic consequence.

    Topic 2: Story #2  UPDATE

  1. The topic I am reporting on is  The Center for Accessibility Resources.
     2.  I am writing about who qualifies for these services, where you go to apply for services, and how you know if you qualify; also, who makes the decision, what services are offered, and when you should apply for services. I am going to include why using these services can help you succeed at Linn-Benton Community College.

     3. My three sources are :
                          1.  Carol Raymundo - Head of Center for Accessibility Resources (CAR)
                          2.  Jennifer Walker - Support Lab for CAR

     4.  My five questions are:
                          1. Why would someone need to use the CAR?
                          2. What is the purpose of applying for accommodations?
                          3. When should someone apply for services so that accommodations are in place before they attend the first term of school.
                          4. Where would someone go to apply for services?
                          5. Who is in charge of making the decisions on who is eligible for accommodations through CAR?

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